Gel Ball Loading Tips - What You Need to Follow

Gel balls are the ammo everyone uses to shoot with gel blasters a popular toy gun right now. Because of this, you can see these gel balls as a popular item in the toy market. But even though they are popular and many people use them with their gel blasters, not everyone knows how to load them. Due to this reason, many gel balls go to waste and people would miss out on a lot of fun. Because they are not able to get the right outcome when loading gel balls. And that is why we bring some gel ball loading tips for you to avoid these situations.
Because even though gel balls are really cheap when compared to other types of ammo among shooting sports like pellets found in airsoft, they are still worth something and you should not waste them. So, let's find out what are some of the steps you need to take to properly load gel balls.
What You Need to Do Before You Load Gel Balls
1. Buying Gel Balls
As the first step, you need to find high-quality gel balls from the market. Because there are many gel balls out there that do not provide a great experience. Since they won't last long or have the effects you expect from them. Even though they are fragile, they do need to have some sort of toughness. If not, they will break easily inside the gel blaster before you even shoot them out. And that is why this is the number one step you need to follow in this gel balls loading tips guide.
If you do not have the time to look into all the gel balls in the market before you buy, then you can trust G-Blaster UK's gel balls in the shop. Because we manufacture some of the highest quality gel balls on the market.
Gel Balls from G-Blaster UK
2. Sumberging in Water
After you buy the gel balls, the next step is submerging them in water. Because these gel balls come as small pellets before they submerge. A gel ball pack can contain 500-10,000 balls or even more according to the price you pay. So you can take a container that fits the size of the pack you chose and fill it in water. And the next step is to pour the small pellets found in the pack into this container and leave it there. You have to leave these pellets inside the water for at least 4-5 hours to get the final version of the gel balls.
Lastly, you don't have to worry about these ball getting enlarge due to being in the water for a long time. Because they stop getting enlarged at the exact time when it arrives at a certain size and won't go overboard.
3. Storage
You can store the gel balls for a long time after they go through the submerging process. To be exact, these gel balls will last for around 3 months after they submerge before you load them into your gel blasters. So you can use some proper containers like jars or containers to store them until you load. Keep in mind this is an important step in this gel ball loading tips guide. Because people do not know that these balls can be stored properly for a long time.
So they would mostly prepare before the day they go out to play with gel blasters. Since it is a process done hurriedly, you won't have the expected results sometime. So make sure to fill some gel balls up when you have time to avoid this situation.
4. Loading
The next is the loading process in this gel ball loading tips guide. So you can now go ahead and load your gel balls into your gel blaster or magazines. Since it can take a lot of time to fill your magazines, you can use a gel ball loader available commonly on the market. And this will speed the loading process up a lot. So will be able to quickly fill up multiple magazines in a few minutes if you use these loaders.
And that does not mean it is a long process if you do it the old way by using hands or a cup either. After they are loaded, now you can enjoy your gel blasters with magazines full of gel balls and have the best time of your life when you are at the playground or gel blaster field next time.
Gel Balls Loading Tips - Conclusion
After you complete all the procedures mentioned above in the gel balls loading tips guide, now you can enjoy playing with gel blasters without worrying about your gel balls being not up to standard. They are all easy-to-follow steps that you can do by yourself without any help. So make sure to fill your gel balls up by following this guide before you head out next time.
As a parting thought, we like to mention that you need to find a good vendor to buy all your gel blasters and accessories. And that is why we recommend you to visit our shop for all your needs related to gel blasters!
The best place to buy all kinds of gel blasters in UK
G-Blaster UK is a recognized gel blaster retailer offering the highest quality products. We provide our services and products to many customers around the world who want to have a good time playing gel blasters. And all of our products meet all safety and quality standards, so you don't have to worry about that and enjoy them to your heart.
So visit our shop today, and purchase the best gel blasters money can buy! And you can find many extra accessories at our shop that enhance and make toy guns even more fun as well!